Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Back

You know these thoughts always been in the back of my mind, luckily my English Teacher is using blogger and I signed in a remembered. Life=WOW!......I really just want things to run smoothly. For example, yesterday, I go to the first class of my soccer referee training. Mainly people I had never seen before in my life, cept two. I spend the first hour of the class bored, finding ways to get distracted, I decide. The girl in front of me. Kinda cute, so me being the hopeless romantic, I think for the right words for a good half hour. Write her a note, and during a break leave it on her desk. I come back see her read it then promptly drop it on the floor, not even responding to it. HA! I am such a sucker for that kind of stuff. If only life was a dream world. Well it's just the unexpected stuff that makes life any fun anyways. So, I guess that it's good that Life is unexpected.....Sometimes

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